Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Week in Review...

Well, as you can see, in my true fashion, I haven't posted anything since Tuesday. So, here is our week in review...

Got this adorable little picture of my cousin Lizzie out in Utah. She seems to be in love with these snow pants, despite what the weather is doing outside. This day was 65 days and sunny as you can see, but hopefully the pants kept her nice and dry!

She is seriously the cutest and at 2.5 years old is totally finding her own style and letting you know exactly what she wants. I get occasional videos from my Uncle Wes and Aunt Nicole from her and wish we all lived closer because she is a total ham. We're hoping to go out and visit them this New Years Eve for a few days -- I don't know if they know this yet, so hopefully they're around!

I got to spend my Friday night with these AMAZING ladies. I met Melissa and Kassie last summer at a friends wedding and we've all stayed in great touch. They are some of the nicest and thoughtful ladies I know and I am so blessed to have been able to get to know them better over the last few months. I am so lucky that I've been included in everything from beach trips to trips to Melissa's mom's cabin in upstate New York!

Well, on Friday, all these lucky ladies had off and were on a cupcake tour in the city! They wanted to grab dinner with me before they headed out and so we went to Bobby Van's Steakhouse! Oh boy was it yummy. The ladies were so generous to treat me, on top of Melissa's awesome Groupon deal! I was also lucky enough to get this adorable Michael Kors clutch from Melissa and Kass, which I already used today! (Sorry for the phone quality pictures!) So, thank you to Melissa, Kassie, Lauren and Jen for an awesome start to a birthday weekend!

I discovered this yesterday on Instagram and decided that it was far too good/disgusting not to share. It's highly creepy, yet its like a train wreck that you just can't look away from. Hope ya'll find it just as awkward as I do.

I received this series of texts from my husband last night. He ran to the store to exchange a pair of jeans after putting in a few hours at work and when I initially contacted him at 5:00 and he still wasn't home at 6:30, I was quite puzzled. Well, apparently this would explain it. Pardon the language, however I don't know that I wouldn't be saying the same thing if I had to stand in line this long. To top off this convo, he made one of my favorite references ever. Anyone who has ever seen a conversation between my sister and myself knows that we love a good True Life reference.


I finally hit my 8 mile mark on the treadmill yesterday! Yay! My first half marathon of the season is 4 weeks from today, so this was a great milestone for this weekend. It is, however, annoying that the treadmill stops you at 60 minutes and you basically need to stop the track and start from scratch in order to continue. Oh well, if that is my biggest problem this weekend, I'll take it.

And finally, food! Last night I made some Bang-Bang Shrimp, which were too big and we had tons leftover. I also made this Corn and Bacon Casserole and those are the only two ingredients I will tell you about because if I tell you any more you'll be judging both me and my arteries. Then I made some Cake Batter Rice Krispies! Sooo yummy. I plan to make some more to take to work tomorrow for a little birthday celebration (mine). And that last picture is Brandon's brunch from this morning! Chicken and biscuits! Found this place on Houston that I fortunately made a reservation for because when we arrived there was NO ONE there but us, but you never know! Their brunch was delicious. I had eggs benedict. I'd suggest ya'll give Blue Haven a try if you are looking for reasonable prices and good food!


Ok, that was a long post! Maybe I'll be better this week so that I don't have to post it all at once! Tomorrow is the big Bday, I'm also hoping my NEW Mac Book Air arrives!!!! And my darling Husband is taking me out for a Birthday dinner, so I'll go out on a limb that I won't be back until at least Tuesday!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Oh. Em. Gee!

I'm like a kid on Christmas morning right now. It's been almost 7 years since I have been able to experience what just happened tonight...which is actually a good thing, because it means that my last computer lasted just about that long. Well, it lasted like 6 years before I just stopped using it because it HAD to be plugged in or it turned off immediately because the battery was shot.

Anyways, none of you care about any of that anyways, but I am SO pumped because I just ordered myself a be-a-u-tiful MAC BOOK AIR!!! Ah!

I went all out with the 256GB of Flash Storage and B suggested that I get the 8 GB of RAM because that can't be added later on, so we did it. I secretly think he's just as excited as I am. Well, maybe a little less.

On another note, we went to Lucky Cheng's last night for Whit's birthday and it was amazing. Drag queens are hilarious, crazy and often have better legs than women. They were entertaining, Whit got herself on stage for a hot second and we all got a good laugh in. All in all, it was a successful 26th Birthday for my dear sister. Next up, I turn the boring 28...I will get to see a few friends for dinner, so that will be fun, but other than that, we won't be getting to wild!

Ok, that is all for now, but give me some credit -- 3 posts in a week?? I feel like I'm getting the hang of this.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, Sistahhh!

As I return to this blog a mere 3 days after my initial post, I am giving myself a very sweet pat on the back. I'd like to take the time to reflect on the life of Ms. Whitney Field, for today she turns the grand age of 26! Most importantly, I'd like to take the time to share with you a series of photos that I uploaded to Facebook entitled, "A Day in the Life of Whitney Field."

Lets start here:

So, back when Whitney was the ripe old age of 5, she found a good number of quarters "on the ground" right outside my dad's car door. My dad drove to work each day on roads that required tolls. Are you getting the picture yet? These "found" quarters must have just fallen out of the car, all over the ground -- something the had never happened before! Whitney promptly scooped them up, denied it for a number of years and claims she fessed up in '08. That's questionable.

That same year, apparently playing Go Fish in the back seat of my Dad's brown Honda Civic was also a fun past time, so, that's what we did.

Here's Whitey (Yes, I left the N out on purpose for old times sake. She used to spell it this way in pre-school...amazing she turned into an English teacher after such a rough start) as a Flamenco dancer. Obviously she never broke character.

Look, Ma!! No hands!!

So back in the day, Whitney did quite a few school plays that involved sign language. During one particular play for Church, Whitney managed to turn a gesture meant to mean "Mother & Child" into "Screw You," to put it nicely.

You were very good at sharing and I think that attribute is most obvious in this photo, where you are so generously sharing your bike with your cousin, Alex. Which now that I think about it, is quite funny considering you were still falling off your 2 wheeler well into 8th grade. I think the best decision you could have made in your adult life is the decision to stick to stationary bikes from here on out.

I'm still trying to figure out why we never got called up to walk the Vicky's Secret Runway show. However, it is comforting to know now that my thighs were always touching and that I just wasn't meant to be that girl whose thighs don't touch.

Honestly, I am not even going to say anything about this picture. I'm going to let the hats do all the talking.

You never had an awkward stage. Ever.


The end.


Monday, March 18, 2013

@Influenster Vox Box!

We've been through this before, I am simply not a good blogger. Well, let me rephrase that -- I'll blog for a solid week straight, every day, then fall off the earth for anywhere from 4 days to 7 months before remembering that I started a blog. So wait, yes, that still makes me "not a good blogger."

Anyways, I thought that maybe Influenster  could be my new inspiration. Don't know about Influenster yet? Well first things first, GO SIGN UP! Basically, Influenster is a "community of trendsetters" that receive the latest products and in turn, have to rate, review and promote the products via social media. Well, while I am very much on Twitter and happy to promote there, I figured maybe Influenster could also influence me to get more into my blogging...we shall see.

So, today I received my 3rd Vox Box since I signed up last October. My first box came some time around December with some chocolate in it, pens, and my favorite -- the Venus Razor with different blades. My second one came around January and has some awesome Palmolive Soaps in it -- 3 full size dish soaps. Now that I'm married (who am I kidding, this stuff would have excited me before), having soap delivered to me as a surprise was awesome. Today's Vox Box though might be the best one yet...

Today's Vox Box was full of the following: 

  • belVita Breakfast Biscuits - Cinnamon Brown Sugar -- As you can see from the packaging, I also could not wait to try this, hence I ripped it open right after bringing the dogs out. So yummy, downed it with some milk and saved some for later!

  • Nectresse -- Haven't tried this yet, but it also came with a cute little recipe book and the first recipe I found was for Apricot Fig Cinnamon Rolls. Umm, yes please.

  • Dickinson's Witch Hazel Oil Controlling Towelettes -- Vox Box seems to bring out an attention disorder in myself because as soon as I open the box, I immediately want to rip open the majority of what is inside. So naturally, I tried these two. I don't often use facial wipes but I have to say, after I used it, I definitely felt clean and not sticky the way other wipes can make you feel. I'm thinking these could be a great thing to throw into my gym bag.

  • Colgate Optic White Regimen -- So this might be the mother load of the box. Three products from one brand? Sweet. Honestly, I love to brush my teeth and do it a few times a day, so I am looking forward to giving this whole teeth whitening thing a shot. You use the toothpaste, brush and mouth wash for whiter teeth in 5 days. Ya'll will have to standby for this one to find out how it goes!

So, there we go. My first official post. (ok, not my first because I've done this in the past and failed at it, i.e. hiding all former posts). Now, we wait and see. Will it be it be one day before I post again? One week? One month? Only time will tell and I hope you all appreciate the mystery in this.

**I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.**